Merry Meet for all who seek!!

My name is Sherie Gantt AKA Saphire Moon. I'm 39 and  a native Nevadan. Lic #: NVMT.5049 and NVMT.9896 My overall goal is to spread as much love and positivity as I can, while doing what I love the most: Helping people. 

Due to the COVID-19, I cannot take any massage clients as I work out of my home. So, I have refocused on starting my product line and tarot/oracle readings in the mean time. All products are handmade, homemade, and natural. I am not looking for a space to open up my doors once more. I will be sure to update everyone once I have found the right place.

You can follow the new releases and other content on my Facebook  and Instagram pages (Mother Goddess Massage) and even Tik Tok (Saphiremoon1111). Until we can met in person, Merry Meet and Merry Ye Part!

Enjoy     Love.

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